Helpful Tips to keep your home running properly


Replace furnace filters. Check to see that all downspouts are properly extended away from foundations to run water away (in the event of warm weather). Use calcium chloride type melting solutions for ice and snow as it is much safer than rock salt, for both pets and vegetation.
Replace furnace filters. Keep snow piles clear from edge of driveway for safety when driving in and out of driveway and garage. Clear any excessive snow from roofs, using roof rakes. Be sure that you remove excessive water from garage, from melting snow, if parking your car in garage.
Replace furnace filters. Change batteries in smoke detectors. Inspect property for any damage caused by the winter freeze. Make sure window wells are covered and clear any debris blown around from the winter storms. Inspect eaves and downspouts for any damage caused by winter ice build up.
Turn on outside water supply. Change humidifier filters and adjust settings. Apply Spring fertilizer to your lawns. Drain any gas powered equipment of last years gas, dispose of properly, and refill with fresh fuel and spark plugs. Always store lawnmowers outside or in sheds, never in garages, as the fresh cut grass that sticks to the underside of the mower body attracts mice and rats.
Inspect roof from ground for any missing shingles or damaged areas from the winter. Lubricate all doors, hinges, and garage door rollers. To lubricate door locks, simply spray some lubricant on the key and slide in and out several times. Vaseline is also a good lubricant for hinges.
Change filters and turn off humidifiers. Check to ensure air conditioner cover is off before starting it up for the season.
As always, remember to change your filters. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Time to start thinking about the filters again. Begin clearing out the sheds and garages to put lawn furniture away.
Re-inspect the foundation for any faults, openings and deteriation. Check all window wells for pests, gravel and proper drainage, and cover window wells with covers. Ensure all downspouts are properly attached and draining at least 10 ft away from foundations.
Change all batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Change filters and have furnace inspected. Cover outside a/c units. Check humidifier for new filter before using.
Hose off the underbody of your lawnmower, and either drain fuel or top up and add a fuel stabilizer. Do the same for gas leaf blowers, trimmers, etc. Drain fuel from snowblower and dispose of properly. Start with fresh fuel and spark plugs and lubricate all moving parts. Turn off all outside water supplies. To properly drain hoses: turn off the inside shut off, and turn on the outside taps and leave them on to prevent any possibility of burst pipes.
Change furnace filters. When stringing christmas lights make sure not to over load the circuits. Make sure all extension cords have been inspected and have their grounding plugs attached. If having a real christmas tree, make sure to cut off 2-3" before putting in house and ensure that tree always has ample water and the lights are off when no one is home.